
Showing posts from May, 2007

A Race to the grave??

A friend of mine always argued that life is nothing but a rat race to the graveyard. I think I have equal rights to talk about life then and here I go. Living and survival are two entirely different things. Survival may be a race, but living is what seems cardinal. Or else, people who die prematurely, committing suicide would be glorified as winners in this "race". This is where I differ from Darwin's statment - " Survival of the Fittest ". The fittest lives. The weakest manages survival and finally, flounders. So, who's better? Is life then a race to the grave???

Oh! That nine pointer...

Humans are adept at identifying people whom they have seen, but whose names they do not know, on the slightest hint of a demarcating physical feature. I have heard of people being recognized with an awkward paunch, a set of missing teeth, odd colored hair, body piercings, etc. But at IIT, I had the fortune of coming across people who were known by numbers (grades). Talk of an X in this department, or a Y in that to someone who does not know them. Snap! comes the question. Is he a nine pointer? How very appealing......