
Showing posts from September, 2017

That which is not...

We think all the while we are awake. Or so we think! Of what? Anything. Everything. Everything that matters or doesn't. Is there a moment we aren't thinking? If we aren't, then the very consciousness that we aren't thinking anything is a thought in itself! What do these thoughts lead to? 'What's in it for me' is every human's prerequisite for involvement in something. The very need for a benefit out of something defines our way of life. Thoughts make a man - as beautifully put by Swami Vivekananda. Actions could be faked. Thoughts cannot, because it is an action that presents our thought to the outside world. When I say here that thoughts cannot be faked, I mean it cannot be faked to the conscience. Now is the interesting part. What is this conscience that bears true impartial witness to everything we do? Can it be suppressed? That something keeps ringing in our minds when we act good or bad that tells us if the act is actually acceptable to it or n...

Title Mismatch

Looks like I was posting about everything else except what was going on within me in most of the posts. This was happening when the title of my blog page spoke of a search of myself. This post is only a promise to myself that this will stop. Further posts would only dwell on what I think I should be thinking of. The beauty of life has marvelled me. I am in awe of its purpose and actually do not understand it. I would love to attempt cognizance and comprehension of my existence at a deeper level. I would love to know if I were talking of the right I. There is so much to ponder over. It cannot be possible that I came, lived and went. There is a larger purpose of the birth; of this very existence. Hoping for uplifting thoughts and action henceforth. All is well and shall be!