Title Mismatch

Looks like I was posting about everything else except what was going on within me in most of the posts. This was happening when the title of my blog page spoke of a search of myself. This post is only a promise to myself that this will stop. Further posts would only dwell on what I think I should be thinking of.

The beauty of life has marvelled me. I am in awe of its purpose and actually do not understand it. I would love to attempt cognizance and comprehension of my existence at a deeper level. I would love to know if I were talking of the right I. There is so much to ponder over. It cannot be possible that I came, lived and went. There is a larger purpose of the birth; of this very existence. Hoping for uplifting thoughts and action henceforth. All is well and shall be!


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Shelley said 'Spring' but I say 'Summer'

Employed at last!