I thought I was alone!

I really don’t know why I feel like writing this. But still, I write, as I would like to share the amusement…

X, Y and Z contested for elections in a state way back in 2004. There was no clear majority and a coalition government was to be formed. Z called X to form the government, but X flatly refused, don’t know for what. Y ruled the centre at that time. The latter also had a clear majority in the same state but not an absolute majority, which is a prerequisite for a party in India to rule. So, X and Y entered into an agreement, the clauses of which allowed for a twenty month regime for each. X took it up first. The twenty months of power for X and waiting for Y have drawn to a close and it’s time to swap positions. Now, X wants to hold on and Y wants to displace the former, rightfully so. X is challenging Y to contest in a re-election as if it would fund the entire process. In the meanwhile, X has also made attempts to make alliances with Z, which now rules the centre and Z has given X a good kick on the butt.

Does this ring a bell somewhere in the South? Karnataka, maybe….

And I thought I was the only one born shameless….


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