A Letter From a Disgruntled Camaro Owner
"We receive quite a few letters from customers over here at Chevrolet. Some are good, and some offer “constructive criticism.” Normally we don’t publish them, but we really felt a need to share this letter. The author, Roger B., gave us permission to share portions of the letter about his 2010 Camaro. - Adam Denison, Chevrolet Communications" ---- "I just have way too many problems with this car. Let's start with the exterior: 1. The styling is too aggressive. I'm a pretty passive person by nature and I don't want the personality of this car to project onto me. The front looks like a snarling animal ready to pounce. Scary. 2. The paint is too shiny. I spent last Saturday applying ZAINO to the car and I must have done it wrong because I can't even tell what color it is anymore (Victory Red, BTW). All I can see is shine and reflection. 3. It's too sexy. What with the curves and hips that the body features I'm starting to have feelings about this car...