UN-Social Networking

For a long time, I have been part of an online social network; started with Orkut and continues to Facebook till date. Obviously, I am also a WhatsApp worm. I am growing old, but still trending right??

So, what's new? Why am I blogging about being part of a network?

This is about the dilemma I have that has stemmed from being part of these networks. What dilemma? Read on...

When it all started, it was about adding a lot of friends. More friends was a measure of "social richness" if I could say it. So, anyone even remotely connected to a remote friend of mine was invited into my friends' list. In a few days, obviously, I had so many people on my list I didn't recognize and a lot of personal stuff that I didn't want the "not my friends" to see. Why did I end up in this situation? Madness. Plain and simple. Nothing else!

Today, I am a lot more mature on such networks. I choose my friend list with caution and don't mind saying the occasional NO to certain strange invites. This also includes the soda and candy crush invites. Although I started with posting text or photos everyday, it has now slackened heavily and the usage of the network is with a lazy submission of not wanting to be active but having to be active for the want to just BE on the network; just hang-in there thoughts. There is the apprehension of all personal stuff like photos and videos being made available to the world if I deleted my account, which has led me to stay and play rather than say over and out! For the want of a better word, this is no different from slavery. Just that this is online!

Anyway, now that I am part of this, reasons apart, the fundamental question then arises - what changed? What made a once attractive network a despicable surrounding? The answer is simple - the friend list - nothing else!

Social networking is now being used to politicize - and blow things up beyond reason! Fights in the name of comments are regular. Arguments between two people are visible to the entire world. What would happen within 4 walls is now open and inviting more people to join. It is the nature of the human ego to try and support or oppose an opinion posted. The mind draws a certain pleasure in it. For some, it seems to be the very elixir of their existence - an argument. An argument full of ill-health and mockery. In teams. What happens in a remote corner of the country is made public in no time. No caution shown in checking if the content of a post is genuine or not. Provocative statements / graphics endangering real social life - just loads of negativity that shadows the beauty of belonging to the network. I feel very sorry that social networks are no pleasant places anymore. But I will continue to check the accounts once in a while - for my own lack of courage and the need for occasionally witnessing a gossip. I am human too aren't I?

When belonging becomes a burden to the host and guest alike, it is time to call quits! Or blog outside of the network at a supposedly private blogspace like this one! Ironical isn't it?


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