Height of coincidence

I had been to a wedding in Bangalore where I came face to face with coincidence. An old teaser in a magazine that I happened to read stated the height of coincidence as follows - "someone's mother and father getting married on the same day". This experience of mine was closest to this.
A few days back, I was recruited by General Motors (GM), Bangalore for the power train applications division. I wanted to visit the place this time, but could not do so. I thought I would do it later next year before joining when fortune played its part. I was introduced to a distant uncle of mine, who is supposedly a senior project manager in GM. As if all this wasn't enough, he heads the power train applications division too. I could not believe my eyes and ears for the rest of the day and my ever-fickle mind started imagining weird things.
And just take a look at the first question I asked him - "Sir, do you have a cricket team at GM?". I learnt from his expression that he wasn't very pleased with the question. Who would be???


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