The Waiter at Tifanys

For those who are not aware, Tifanys is a restaurant inside the IIT campus where I generally end up every morning after having missed my breakfast. Well, this blog is nothing concerning the taste that you get to eat or the ambience at the place. I would like to make a mention of a waiter who seems to be an inspiration to me here at IIT for more than a year now. Why?
The day of a worker at Tifanys starts at around 7 am and continues for an hour past midnight - a whopping eighteen hours of non-stop work. This waiter seems to know no fatigue. He greets customers vociferously and of course, with a broad smile anytime you step into the restaurant. An energy plot against eighteen working hours would probably be a horizontal line in his case.
When I raised this point in the course of a chat with a friend, he said it was out of compulsion that he did this. I beg to differ. Going around for eighteen hours a day for six days of the week with the same enthusiasm is no joke. I have seen none work like him till date. There are workaholics putting more time into work than he does, but consistently being human while doing so is what seems to make the difference.
What is it in his work that motivates him? A waiter's work for sure, is monotony incarnate. Earlier, I worked with an industry that paid me well for just nine working hours. Work was not as monotonous as is the case with this waiter's. Still, I cribbed.
My past is firing questions at me. What did I not have in my job? Atleast, wasn't my workplace a hundred times better? Was I not fortunate enough to have landed at such a place?
Very often, we look at people who are marginally well-off in various material aspects and aspire to lead a life like they do. But I really don't think we care to throw a little look at the crowd behind us. The latter should make us realize how very fortunate we are in life! I realize how poverty-stricken I have been, though materialistically comfortable. Happiness doesn't come from anywhere else but within, does it???


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