
The feeling, I am happy has vanished into probably the same place where it came from (read previous post). All credit to two of my good friends. Today's progress with studies was bad too and I wanted one good kick on the butt. I turned to my best friend, my dad.

All he said was this :" You have done it before. You can do it again. Your conscience is telling you to study and your mind wants to do exactly the opposite. So, the apathy or the fear, (who cares now what it was) is purely because of your conscience being controlled by your mind. The solution is simple - leave the mind to the conscience. Thats all. There is none equal to you." What he said is tough to implement. But the simplicity of the reason has brought a sea of relief with it and I am in pretty high spirits now.

The second is Prakash, my good friend from Chennai, currently employed at Bangalore. He had sent me a mail this morning, enquiring how things were with me. I vented out all my ill-feelings and probably screwed his day. But he responded telling that it was exactly how he had felt last year before he passed out and advised me to ride through the next two days and ensured that things would change for the better.

I never knew I would become so childish in life, but I am profusely thankful to the divine grace that has given me people to bank on at times of need, no matter how trivial they may be. I should also be thankful for being incapable of hiding feelings within, for in this case, not bringing them out would not have done any good.

I just don't care how I perform now. I am eternally happy that the stupid feeling of insignificance within has disappeared. Help should definitely be sought when needed. What after all, are friends for??


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