
In two days from now, I will probably be writing the last examination in my life. The exam has fallen on a day before the campus placements are supposed to begin and the completion of A5 thesis submission by a good friend of mine (the last from my batch of friends studying at IIT) seems to have deserted me in the war-front. A feeling of insecurity has crept in from thin air and it is putting butterflies into my stomach like never before. The day doesn't seem to pass and nothing of what I am studying is getting into my head. The future seems to be filled with nihility and I am helplessly being sucked into unwanted thoughts. What trait of mine is giving rise to this is unclear. I have been petrified by examinations in the past. This one seems to be different from all of them for I am still not able to differentiate if it is fear or apathy.

God save the examination ahead!!!


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