The Human Factor

That cricket today has become extremely competitive is not unknown. To match its credibility, umpiring too, has grown to elite standards. Substantial technical assistance is offered to umpires on the field. The introduction of a third umpire into the game has provided welcome relief to both players and a lot of umpires who have borne the brunt of erroneous decisions.
Further advancements (e.g. hawk eye) that have taken place and technological credibility in the game could now support appeals for any mode of dismissal. But still, the licence for a majority of the decisions, lies with the two officials on the playing field.
This decision to confine the powers of the camera-aided umpire seems to have added spice to the game. One surprising decision could turn entire matches around. Whether this is good or bad is secondary. It has brought in a small thriller element to what would have been an otherwise boring game.


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