Ten seconds of mystery...

The control room is filled with scientists. The rocket is ready to be launched. Everything seems to be in place. The glorious vehicle, in a few seconds, will reveal its destiny.
Tension grips the minds of everyone witnessing the launch. The most trivial of technical faults could put an end to years of hard work in a matter of seconds. If the lift-off does not occur, things could be set right and the launch could be deferred. But after lift-off, the vehicle is controlled internally. It could only be manually destroyed if it malfunctions in its trajectory. Crores of rupees, years of labor, loads of fuel and tons of strategic material would have to go down into the sea along with the rocket.
Imagine the feelings of those involved in the project. Those ten seconds must be passing like decades. If the mission is successful, everyone is to be credited. How many come into limelight after a successful launch? If it fails, who is to be blamed?
Hats off to all these people who take such heavy failures as lessons to make better subsequent attempts. If I could get a small percentage of their perseverance, I would consider myself blessed. I am yet to learn a lot of things in life....


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